What is a Wild Outdoor Women Workshop?
Would you like to meet other women with similar interests, attend classes to learn new skills, or be inspired to explore and connect with the natural world? If so, this is the event for you. This workshop provides a comfortable environment to try new outdoor activities, engage in hands-on workshops, interactive sessions, and guided activities led by experienced instructors. You can campout and socialize Friday night, then attend general and breakout sessions on Saturday. (In addition to learning and hands on experiences, Wild Outdoor Women emphasizes the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all participants. Social gatherings, group discussions, and networking opportunities allow women to connect, share experiences, and build lasting friendships while breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes.)
Session Information?
This year you can choose from sessions including: Fire Starting, Night Hike, Intro to Backpacking, High Ropes, Macrame, Building and Protecting Ecosystems, Wild Edibles Part 1, Wild Edibles Part 2, Backyard Birdfeeders, Native American Celebration and Storytelling, Power Tools – DIY Tray Feeder, and Weather Preparedness.
Who Can Attend?
Women 12 & older are invited to participate in this event. Come with your best friend, mom, daughter, sister, or come alone to meet new friends with similar interests!
How Do I Register?
Fill out the registration form and return it with payment. The registration fee is $65 and includes all activities and a Wild Outdoor Women gift. Registration deadline is June 3rd, 2024, but you will want to register as soon as possible since sessions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants will receive an email confirmation when registration and payment are received.