Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve
Address: 22392 80th Avenue
New Virginia, IA 50210
From Highway 69 head west on G76 for about 5 miles. Turn North on 80th Street. Parking lot is on the West side of the road about a mile north of G76.
Things to Do
We manage over 2,700 acres that are open for visitors to enjoy a variety
of year-round outdoor recreational activities.
Wildlife Viewing
Historic Visits

Rolling Thunder Prairie is a 140 acre State Preserve with an 80 acre tract to the north, creating a 220 acre continuous wildlife management area.
A hilly, rolling area with a wooded creek, Rolling Thunder consists mainly of grasses and forbs. It is used extensively by a variety of upland, woodland and edge species. It was purchased in three tracts, all with assistance from the Wildlife Habitat Fund. The Southwestern 140 acres have never been plowed. This property was purchased in two tracts and contains high quality prairie plant species.
Park Rules
What to Do and What Not to Do
Parks shall be closed during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. except for legal hunting activity.
County Area
It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy, remove, damage or deface any buildings, park equipment, plant life, trees, signs, structures or natural material found within the boundaries of Rolling Thunder Prairie.
Motor Vehicles
All vehicles shall be confined to designated roadways and parking areas. No vehicle shall be left unattended on any county conservation area in such a manner as to obstruct traffic except in case of emergency.
Domesticated Animals
All privately owned domesticated animals shall be either carried, led by a leash or chain; kept confined in or attached to a vehicle by their owner(s) or kept under strict control of the owner. Horse riding is not allowed.
Recreation Vehicles
Recreational Vehicles are not allowed in conservation areas. Speed limit for all motorized vehicles is 15 mph.
Hunting allowed during seasons established by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. No permanent blinds or deer stands allowed. Privileges granted by this paragraph may be revoked by an officer for violations of Iowa law or these rules and regulations.
Disturbing The Peace
No person shall be guilty of an act that constitutes a breach of peace, or interferes with their visitors use or enjoyment of the county conservation areas.
All refuse must be placed in disposal cans provided or removed from the area when vacated by the user.
No camping allowed.
No fires allowed
Target Shooting
Target shooting is not allowed.
State of Iowa
All laws of the State of Iowa not specifically mentioned here shall apply.
Fireworks and explosives are prohibited in this conservation area.